Let Us Vote...What's it all about?
The “Let Us Vote” rally at the Iowa Capitol Building on January 16 at 10:00 a.m. is an
expression by Iowans about the outrageous overreaching of judicial activism displayed by Judge
Robert Hanson on August 30, 2007. By striking down the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA), and demanding the Polk County Recorder to hand out marriage certificates to same-sex couples,
Judge Hanson overstepped his boundaries and trounced on the will of the people through their
elected lawmakers.
On January 16, thousands of people will ask their legislators to simply let the people of Iowa
vote on this important matter. Millions of men and women have died to give us the right to vote
and to protect that right. It is outrageous that one judge has taken that right away. Any
legislator (regardless of party) not using all means possible to ensure this issue is brought before
the good citizens of Iowa will be denying their constituents the right to vote.
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